Amyloidosis invades lives and turns them upside-down. Sharing yours will help someone.
Clara’s Journey
I am Clara, I am 32 years old, originally from El Salvador, but I live in California.I was …
Amiloidosis por casualidad!
Mi nombre es Rocío , tengo 37 años y estoy diagnosticada de Amiloidosis por casualidad…. bendita casualidad!!! Yo …
Amy’s Disease aka Amyloidosis
I was diagnosed with Amyloidosis in 2018, age 52, following several years of visits for symptoms that couldn’t …
Mom’s Story
It began New Years Day of 2019, when my Mom had to have her gallbladder removed. Over the …
Keep On Swimming
The end of 2016 at the age of 49 a few things started to go wrong. Ridges on …
Nacer en el lugar equivocado
Soy Vianey, nací en la capital de Ecuador, tengo 46 años y durante más de 15 años tuve …
Mon amylose localisée
Après 3 ans de dysphonie, ma femme m’a poussé à aller voir un ORL. Puis tout s’est enchaîné …
Clare’s Journey
Please read my story below written by my children for my Just Giving page.I do have an update …
Mon histoire avec l’Amylose
C’est une histoire à vous couper le souffle, au propre plus qu’ au figuré. Celle du souffle vital …
Here, everyone is free to talk about their life with the disease.